Document Type : Research Paper


Department of physical education, Mobarakeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mobarakeh, Isfahan, Iran



Introduction: Development means progress and change to improve the current situation; In order to achieve this importance in Iran's public sports and to go towards its development and progress, until now, the main guardians of public sports in Iran have not been specifically studied and compared in relation to the development goals. Therefore, this study aims to fill this research gap, and its purpose is to analyze the key players of Iran's popular sports to identify possible sports alliances in this connection, based on game theory. This was done by means of a strategic planning simulation tool named Mactor.

Methods: In this study, 20 participants were selected completely purposefully; One of the criteria for the participation of participants in this study was to conduct research in the field of sports development and have executive experience in public sports. In this study, 12 main players of Iran's mass sports and their main goals in relation to development were identified.

Results: The results showed that very important goals such as stimulating the sense of sportsmanship by producing relevant content, institutionalizing an active lifestyle, quality of leisure time and institutionalizing prevention instead of treatment through sports with binding rules are not considered by all the main players! In the following, couples and coalitions that have relatively good convergence in the issue of developing public sports were introduced.

Conclusion: Finally, based on the theory of games, the types of tactical alliance and strategic alliance were determined.


Main Subjects