Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Sport Management, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch, Iran

2 Department of Sport Management,, Islamic Azad University, oloum tahghighat Branch. Tehran, Iran.


Introduction: The aim of this study was to identify the indicators and components affecting financial corruption in Iranian sports industry.
Methods: The present study was mixed, field exploration, phenomenological and survey strategy in terms of approach, and was applicable in terms of purpose. The data collection method was in-depth and semi-structured interviews (qualitative part) and questionnaire was used in the quantitative part. The statistical population of the study was comprised of experts and managers in the field of sports management and judicial sciences and professors in the field of judicial sciences and sports management, 15 of whom were considered as the sample of the research in a targeted manner. After interviewing the research experts, data analysis was performed using open and axial coding by MaxQda software version 2018. Then, performing the exploratory factor analysis process, the research model was performed and the model fit was calculated by calculating the SRMR equal to 0.076.
Results: Factors of financial motivation (0.396), planning (0.202), extra-organizational (0.235), decision-making (0.274), intra-organizational (0.354), government and governance (0.229), rent, brokerage and lobbying (0.323), media (0.242), structure (0.327), mismanagement (0.290), transparency of laws (0.202), weakness of laws (0.402), managerial factor (0.223), politicians' performance (0.377), motivational factors (0.409), legal factors (0.313), corruption (0.268), the nature of sport (0.355), resource management (0.272), political interests (0.396), monitoring of laws (0.272) were discovered and validated as indicators and components affecting corruption in the Iranian sports industry.
Conclusion: It is necessary to remove the foundations of the spread of financial corruption in the country's sports industry by preventing the mentioned cases.
