Document Type : Research Paper


1 Doctoral student of sports management at Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan branch

2 department of sport science, faculty of human science, international Imam reza university, mashhad. Iran

3 University of Mustansiriya

4 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

5 Department of Sports Physiology, School of Sports Sciences, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran



This study aimed to develop a paradigmatic model for the development of educational competencies of teachers of physical education and sports sciences faculties in Iraq.

This qualitative research was applied in terms of purpose, and descriptive-analytical in terms of data collection method. To collect data, 16 articles and interviews with 9 elites were used, and then Strauss and Corbin's method was used to analyze the data.

for the causal factors 116 concepts, 9 sub-categories and 3 main categories (organizational factors, intrapersonal factors, and job factors), for intervening factors, 73 concepts, 8 sub-categories and 3 main categories (attention to self and others, educational qualifications and teacher abilities), for contextual factors, 89 concepts, 9 sub-categories and 3 main categories (interest in the field, personal assets and teacher's effort level), for strategies 72 concepts, 7 sub-categories and 3 main categories (development of personal knowledge, attention to education and classroom and growth and development of students), and for achievements 24 concepts, 6 sub-categories and 3 main categories (development of physical education and sports sciences, improvement of quality of life and cultivation of moral qualities), and a total of 374 concepts, 39 sub-categories and 15 main categories related to the development of educational competencies of teachers of physical education and sports science faculties in Iraq were identified.

in addition to the growth, improvement, and development of their educational competencies, should also consider the growth and development of students and always try to provide them with the best and latest educational materials by developing their knowledge.


Main Subjects