Document Type : Research Paper


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2 Corresponding Author, Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Humanities, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate professor in sport management, physical education department, Humanities faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

4 Centro de Evaluacion y Medicion de Bienestar Aptitud Fisica y Deportiva PhD, M.S.



Introduction: Transitions and transformations caused by changes in life are inevitable and even unpredictable. Career changes, moving, getting a job, and getting married are examples of transitional events. Any transition can be a crisis, peace or a combination of both according to the person's perception of the situation.

Methods: The aim of the current research is to understand the lived experience of the transition to the retirement age of football players, which was done with a qualitative method and a phenomenological approach. The participants in this research were selected through the purposeful sampling method with the approach of maximum changes (n=11). The main tool of data collection was interview. The interviews were semi-structured in order to be flexible and allow continuous and repetitive reflection.

Results: Therefore, nine categories of sub-meanings were identified, which are: initial reactions, pendulum between playing and retirement (to be or not) (Ligium), final understanding, symptoms of performance weakness, sudden removal and sudden abandonment, psychological responses, reaching A point of realization about the future, the major challenge of losing the consensus of the Premier League and the four supporting factors.

Conclusion: In general, it can be said that the retirement process of football players is associated with various challenges, and in order to have a good retirement, you must plan in advance, and on the other hand, the players must accept that leaving the role they have lived with for years and now must It takes time to come out.


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