Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran

2 Department of Sport Management, Payame Noor University, Iran



Introduction: The aim of this research was to examine the role of media power in the sports diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Methods: The present research, with a qualitative approach, is based on data foundation, which was conducted in terms of practical objectives and data collection fieldwork. Among the elites in this field, 20 individuals were purposefully selected as snowball samples. The research tool was a semi-structured interview, which continued until theoretical saturation was reached. For the validity and reliability of the research, the acceptability, transferability, and confirmability method was used, and the reliability was obtained at 77% in the retest.
Results: Through the review and analysis of the interviews, 39 codes were identified in the form of 8 concepts in the axis of external conditions, 30 codes in the form of 6 concepts under contextual conditions, 20 codes in the form of 4 concepts under interventionist conditions, 44 codes in the form of 9 concepts in the axis of strategies, 36 codes in the form of 7 concepts related to consequences, and 24 codes in the form of 2 concepts related to the central phenomenon of identification.
Conclusion: The research results showed that factors such as media development, the importance of sports in the media, media position development,cultural exchange in the media, theoretical foundation production in the media,the diplomatic nature of the media, enrichment of leisure time, and other factors played an important role in the media's role in sports diplomacy in the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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