Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Kurdistan

2 university of kurdistan

3 Humanities and social sciences University of kurdistan



The purpose of this study was the factors affecting the delight of women's sports club customers.The current research method was qualitative and the research approach was done inductively and with the systematic view of Strauss and Corbin. The research participants include coaches and professional athletes who regularly use women's sports clubs for at least 5 years and have enough experience in this field.The criterion for determining the number of samples was the theoretical saturation of the findings. The sampling method was purposeful and finally, 19 people were interviewed.In total, 73 open codes, 17 central codes, and 7 selective codes were identified, and the total number of frequencies for all classes was 88. To analyze the data, the coding method was used in three stages of open, central and selective coding of Nizamand Strauss and Corbin's perspective, which has an inductive approach and an interpretive paradigm. In order to categorize the research data, Nvivo version 10 software was used.The findings of the research showed that according to the coding steps, causal conditions (facilities and equipment),background conditions (image of the club), intervening conditions (gender discrimination), strategies (optimal budget) and consequences.(community health), were selected as the main factors according to references and sources.Today's consumers do not judge only based on the quality of the product's performance and benefits Rational criteria include emotional and emotional criteria Go back and by providing a pleasant experience before and after the purchase and by satisfying the wishes and expectations of the customer, you can guarantee your success.


Main Subjects