Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Sport Management, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Assistant professor of sport management of university of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.



Introduction: The aim of the research was to model the socialization of Iraqi citizens through public sports.

Methods: The research was applied and mixed in terms of purpose and method. Socio-statistics in the qualitative section included professors of sports management and sociology, managers and deputy directors of the ministry and departments of youth and sports, and knowledgeable experts in the field of research in Iraq, who were selected by theoretical sampling (23 people); In the quantitative part, participants in the general sports programs were included, according to the table of Karjesi and Morgan, 384 people were selected through stratified random sampling. Data analysis was done using grounded theory methods (Glaseri method) and structural equation modeling. Validity and reliability were confirmed through reliability method (qualitative part) and experts' approval and Cronbach's alpha (0.89) (quantitative part).

Results: Based on the findings of the qualitative part of the 362 primary codes, 49 more abstract concepts and 8 main categories were identified, which were divided into 2 general categories "influencing factors" and "results from" the socialization of Iraqi citizens through public sports, and the final research model was drawn. In the quantitative part, all significant numbers were greater than 1.96 and their standard coefficients were greater than 0.4, which indicated the good fit of the model.

Conclusion: Managers and officials of the country of Iraq should plan and take appropriate measures regarding the socialization of citizens through public sports, so that they can enjoy its many consequences in different parts of the society.


Main Subjects