Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Sports Management, Faculty of Sports Sciences and Health, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



Introduction: The purpose of this research was to provide practical guidelines for water places during the corona and post-corona pandemic.
Methods: The method of data collection was a description of the analytical type and it was cross-sectional in terms of time. In this study, scientific research articles displayed in reputable databases related to water sites and Covid-19 were considered as a statistical population.
Results: Findings revealed that there is no evidence that Covid-19 was transmitted to human through swimming pool's water.
Conclusion: Beneficiaries of water sites with observance of hygienic protocols such as, observing microbiological standards of water, the standards of ventilation system and disinfection of the environment and equipment, and by appointing officers or operators to implement hygienic procedures and under the supervision of the of Health center would provide a basis to lead to reactivation and safety of water sites in Iran.


Main Subjects

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