Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Sport Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, University of Neyshabur, Neyshabur

2 Department of Sport Sciences, Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran



Iran-Japan Competition in Asian Nations Cup 2019. This match was selected for analysis due to the large number of television viewers, being in a particular time, the repeated failures in previous periods and the acceptable performance in the matches of this era. But the match ended with a 3-0 defeat for Iran.  The question was what strategies broadcasters used to report this event? And how did these strategies change after changing the outcome of the game?
Methods: This qualitative research was done with discourse analysis method. Analyzes were performed by using Van Dijk’s theoretical model (2004) in the framework of critical discourse analysis considering macro and micro levels
Results: Analysis according to macro level of Van Dijk square represented that Emphasizing on the positive point about “self”. (representing Us positively (has the highest frequency among other properties. The frequency of macro and micro levels strategies also changes with the outcome of the game. Reporter also used micro strategies of “lexicalization”, “victimization” and “dramatization” and “consensus” in order to manage the minds of the audience.  
Conclusion: The ambition of the national TV has been to keep motivation and to overcome feeling failure and hopelessness and after an undesirable outcome, tries to modify and justify the situation.


Main Subjects

Sveinson,K. Hoeber,L. Heffernan,C.(2021). Critical Discourse Analysis as Theory, Methodology, and Analyses in Sport Management Studies Journal of Sport Management,35(5).465-475.