Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Sport management, Payame noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Sport management, Islamic Azad University, Mobarakeh, Iran.


Introduction: The outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, in the form of a wild card, has led sports authorities in the world to face with the most critical conditions.
Methods: Since college sports have multiple trustees, key actors and beneficiaries, this study aimed to investigate the extent of the susceptibility and effectiveness of the key actors on each other, as well as identifying the position of each actor towards the goals related to the Covid­-19 pandemic. MACTOR futures studies software, was used to achieve the objective of the present research, appropriate scenarios and strategies were reported. To do this, 12 sports management experts were selected purposefully, they completed the actor-actor and actor-goal matrices.
Results: The findings of the present study revealed that, there is the greatest convergence towards the set goals between FISU, MSRT, and MSY.
Conclusion: Finally, it was suggested to create virtual platforms as basic solutions, for motor habituation behaviors as well as the use of relatively new podcast technology for sustainable physical activity and development through sports education during the Covid-19 pandemic period for students as practical strategies


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