Document Type : Research Paper


1 Kermanshah/Ph.D

2 Physical Education/Razi University


The aim of this study was to determine the effect of athlete brand image on attitude towards advertisements of celebrity athletes using neuromarketing technique. This study was applied in terms of aims and semi-experimental in terms of nature. The population of this study included all physical education students of University of Tehran and Shahid Beheshti University in the academic year of 2016-2017 (N=1500). The sample consisted of 300 students who were selected as the primary sample by stratified random sampling method using Morgan table. As two distinct categories existed in this study, the final sample for brain scan included 30 subjects. The instruments of this study included Arai et al. (2013) athlete brand image questionnaire and the G-tek Austrian electroencephalographic device. The overall model of this study was composed of several main stages. The first stage was to distribute the questionnaire among the primary samples; the second stage was to select the final sample; the third stage was to observe and record the brain waves of the final sample before the advertisement and the fourth stage was to play the advertising clip and to oserve their brain waves while watching the advertisement. The results of this study indicated that the athlete brand image had a positive effect on changing the attitudes towards commercial advertisements of celebrity athletes. Other results showed that high brand image group at FP2 area and low brand image group at T3 area had more activity in their brain signal than other brain areas. Customers should be uncounciousely recognized to understand them better and to design better products and there are no tools more useful than neuromarketing research.


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