Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.S. student in sports management, Department of sport management, Shiraz branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch


Sports participation in addition to have undeniable consequences on human health as well as has many positive social consequences. In addition to sports participation can be influenced by social variables. This research has been studied the effect of social capital and its component (including social security, social trust, social belonging, social interaction, social participation, social support and adherence to social norms) on the sports participation of teenage boys and girls at Jam township in 2016. According to the stratified multi-stage and cluster sampling 350 boy and girl students that studying at the first and second high school were selected and has been studied. The results show that sports participation rates for teenage boys are significantly higher than teenage girls. Results from structural models indicate that social capital has a significant and positive effect on the boy and girl sports participation in general. The result of multiple regression for components of social capital indicates that among the components of social capital, social participation has greatest impact on sports participation rate of boy teenage. Social participation and social support variables have the greatest impact on sports participation of teenage girls respectively.


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