Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this study was to model the tangible factors of service quality and behavioral intentions of customers. The method was descriptive - survey. The sample consisted of 193 customers of the bodybuilding clubs in Tehran Municipality. 2 researcher-made questionnaires (44 and 9 items) were used. Their validity was confirmed by 5 sport management professors and their reliability was calculated as 0.944 and 0.872 (p < /em><0.001). In the proposed model, organization and price were identified as independent factors and behavioral intentions as reply factor. Organization affected behavioral intentions through the path of these factors: facility with impact factor 0.426, signs 0.423, equipment 0.588, environmental conditions 0.578, access 0.454 and color and decoration 0.317 (p < /em><0.001). Price affected behavioral intentions through these factors: facility with impact factor -0.022, signs 0.137, equipment 0.288, environmental conditions 0.278, access 0.202 and color and decoration 0.282. In addition, organization and price (respectively 0.31 and -0.156) influenced behavioral intentions (p < /em><0.001). An optimal management of tangible factors of service quality such as physical elements is helpful to develop customers' behavioral attention to managers.


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