Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran

2 PhD Student of Sport Management, Kish International Campus of University of Tehran, Kish, Iran


This study aimed at investigating the trinary role of organizational commitment in the citizenship behavior of the employees of Sport and Youth general offices in Iran. The statistical population consisted of 94 experts, deputies and managers of Sport and Youth general offices from 8 provinces who were selected as the sample by convenience sampling method. Data were collected by field method. The Organizational Commitment Survey (Allen & Mayor, 1990) and the Behavior Survey (Poudsakf et al. , 1990) were used. The reliability coefficients of the surveys were 91% for citizenship behavior and 72% for organizational commitment. KS test was used to assess data normality. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings were analyzed by SPSS.. The results showed a significant relationship between organizational commitment and all aspects of citizenship behavior.. Therefore, organizational citizenship behavior affected an increase in the employees’ commitment and the development of job satisfaction and finally it enhanced productivity and success in organizational performance.. In other words, it fulfilled human needs and cultivated social culture, that is to say the main content of citizenship behaviors is positive social interactions and influences organizational commitment.



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