Document Type : Research Paper


1 . PhD Student of Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Razi, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Sport Management Department, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Razi, Kermanshah, Iran


Students are a large portion of the youth in the society and it is important to pay attention to their general health. The aim of this study was to explain the role of physical activity in social well-being of students in universities of Kermanshah city. This study was a descriptive-correlation conducted as a cross sectional study. Two questionnaires of Keyes's Social Well-Being (1998) and Beack‘s Physical Activity (1982) were used for student of universities of Kermanshah in 2012. Reliability of the questionnaires was determined by Cronbach alpha coefficient as follows: Social Well-Being 0.9 and Physical Activity 0.8. The statistical population consisted of all students of the selected universities of Kermanshah city (N=39000) and the sample included 380 student who were selected by cluster random sampling method. 370 questionnaires were returned and analyzed. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t tests, Pearson correlation coefficient and linear regression analysis. Results showed a significant relationship between physical activity involvement and social well-being. Also, regression analysis results showed that leisure activities and sport indexes explained 51% of changes in the variance of social well-being.


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