

This study aimed at application of optimization standards of water consumption in swimming pools of Urmia. For this purpose, all 13 swimming pools of Urmia were studied as the statistical sample of the study. The data were collected through a questionnaire and a checklist obtained based on the standards of Standard Institution and Industrial Studies (1388) and the Office of National Legislation for Buildings (1384). Then, after the content validity of the questionnaire was assessed, its reliability was examined in a pilot study through Cronbach’s alpha coefficient indicating 0.86. The finding showed that out of 13 swimming pools of Urmia, 9 belonged to the public sector and 4 belonged to private sector. In addition, most of them (7 pools) were built within past 10 years. The study of research hypotheses indicated that 5.83% of the swimming pools were in a moderate and 5.61% were in an inappropriate condition as far as the standards of issue 19 were concerned. Furthermore, regarding the optimization standards of water consumption, 6.84% of swimming pools were in an inappropriate and 4.15% were in a moderate condition respectively.
