

The purpose of the study was to compare physical fitness components of school boys and to develop national norms on speed, endurance, agility and muscular power variables by CAFT instrument. 12960 students (age groups 7-18) were randomly selected from north, south, east, west and central parts of the country and were compared based on the research variables and the national norms. ANOVA and post hoc Tukey test at 0.05 level showed that southern and central provinces scored higher in speed and agility; northern, eastern and central provinces in muscular and cardiovascular endurance; eastern, central and northern provinces in muscular power; and southern provinces in cardiovascular endurance. Also, southern and western provinces in almost all the age groups were under the national norm in speed; southern and central provinces in all the age groups in muscular endurance; central provinces (only under 15 years old) in upper body muscular endurance; northern provinces in agility in all the age groups; western provinces in all age groups in muscular power and central provincess (only above 12 years old). These findings provide grounds for sport talent identification and their development and also help an accurate gradation and evaluation in physical education classes at schools throughout the country.
