Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student at Shush tar Azad University

2 associate professor/ university of Isfahan

3 Assistant Professor, Azad University - Ahvaz Branch

4 Assistant Professor, Shush tar Azad University



The research was to evaluate effective managerial factors in developing teamwork in team sports among the players working in the Khuzestan teams of premier leagues in 1403

Methods: The research was applied in terms of objective and descriptive methods. The research method was mixed (qualitative-quantitative). Identification of effective management factors in teamwork in football was made through background literature review and exploratory interviews and in the form of content analysis (coding analysis unit, categories and registration unit). A sample of 14 experts from club managers (2), coaches (5) referees (3) and players (4) were selected based on experience criteria and purposefully. After discovering the concepts and coding, a questionnaire with 6 components and 29 questions was prepared and after its validity and reliability were confirmed through Cronbach's alpha, among the sample (206) of 12 football teams present in the first and second division leagues. Khuzestan football was distributed in 1403. The software used was SmartPLS.

The results showed that firstly, individual factors, secondly, cultural and educational factors, thirdly, technical and skill factors, fourthly, managerial factors, fifthly, financial factors, and infrastructural factors are effective in the development of teamwork in football.)

To develop teamwork in football, to support players and coaches, to pay attention to the basic needs of players and to resolve possible conflicts between players and technical and infrastructure facilities, and to create a positive atmosphere of cooperation interaction and constructive communication between players and coaches, and to aim for the development of the club. be given special attention.


Main Subjects