Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Sports Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 , Department of Sports Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Department of Sports Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



Introduction: The purpose of this study was to study the management of the effect of economic crisis on sports with an interpretive structural modeling approach.
Methods: The present study is of mixed type (qualitative and quantitative). In the first phase, the qualitative research method was performed using content analysis and in the second phase, the quantitative method was performed based on interpretive structural modeling. The statistical population consisted of experts in both qualitative and quantitative sections due to the expertise of the interpretive structural modeling approach. The statistical population of the study also included economic experts in the field of sports (managers of sports organizations, university professors with a focus on the sports industry, sports business owners) who were interviewed. The measurement tool in the qualitative part of the interview was semi-structured and in the quantitative part was a questionnaire. The validity and reliability of the data were confirmed. Two methods of content analysis (Max COD software) and interpretive structural modeling (ISM) (Excel software) have been used to analyze the data.
Results: Five main themes have been identified for managing the effects of the country's sports economic crisis: 1. Management of budgeting and expenditures; 2. Recovery management; 3. Organizational structure; 4. Resource management and 5. Human resource management. These themes were embedded in an interpretive structural model.


Main Subjects

Abootalebi, K. Moshkelgosha, E. & Askari, A. (2021). Designing a Model for Empowering Managers Using Grounded Theory (Case Study: Iranian Professional Sports Industry). Karafan Quarterly Scientific Journal.‏ (In Persian)